Changes 2020

Changes 2020

It is hard to believe how much time has gone by without an update.

My apologies to those who may be keeping track of this website and this particular endeavor.

So here are the reasons for the lack of activity on this site. First, I left my day job, and second, I moved to another state. Now the whole business will have to be re-established. (See previous posts concerning that.) Sometimes it seems that many other life matters get in the way of what I would really rather be doing!

In other news, progress has been made on several new manuscripts. Do others like me feel hesitant in sharing their manuscript ideas?

Hint: One is about black bears and a diner, the other is about a famous Pilgrim family and the Pilgrim story!

Also, some great new art products are available.

I hope you enjoy browsing through the photo-art available at this site.

Finally, you may enjoy this informative piece about marketing and the gurus’ that self-published authors may encounter.

In the meantime, buy some books, share this website, comment and stop by again.

I hope to be sharing again soon!

Highlights 2018

Highlights 2018